
Jeremy Gittens Jeremy Gittens

Is your package too big?

This post provides a number of useful tips and step-by-step guides on how to reduce the size (weight) of your SCORM package to help it run seamlessly from any LMS.

This will create a better user experience and reduce any lagging or glitching due to server meltdowns.

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Jeremy Gittens Jeremy Gittens

How to write valid and reliable multiple-choice questions

Multiple-choice questions are a fantastic means of capturing evidence of learning. They are a simple format that most students are familiar with, are easily marked by and assessor or LMS and can provide immediate results. But to be effective, they need to be valid and reliable.

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Jeremy Gittens Jeremy Gittens

The importance of capturing attention through effective design.

The airline has little control over social and risk perception; however, they do have control over the effectiveness of their presentations. That’s why there has been a considerable jump in creativity, entertainment and production values in safety briefings.

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